
Love Conquers All

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KauseNeffect's avatar

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"You have to decide who you are going to save!" The kidnapper cackled. "Yourself or your one true love?"
"Love conquers all!" I cried in a defiant voice. I truly believed my statement, true love could defy any and all obstacles.
"All?" The evil man repeated, "Surely you are kidding?!"
"No, I'm not...and don't call me Shirley." I don't know who this Shirley is but I keep getting confused with her.
"Save yourself!" My lover heroically bellowed. "You have so much more to live for, my time is through!"
"I can't live with out you!" I wept openly and unashamed. "I am nothing with out you by my side!"
"Oh please!" The kidnapper sighed, rolling his eyes. "Don't get all sappy and angsty with me."
"How can you be so cruel?" I screamed, my heart was breaking. The sight of my love chained to a wall over a boiling lake of lava was too much for my gentle heart to bare. I loved him more than life its self!
"Cruel? I'll show you cruel! You say love can conquer all?" He moved towards the lever that was all that stood between my lover's life and death. "Than conquer this!" Without any feeling he threw the  lever forward sending my love to his imminent death.
"No!" I hurled my fragile body towards the man I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with.
"Stay back my love!" He shouted over the din of my panicked heart. "My darling, I love you!"
I watched in horror as his body hit the molten rock. It fizzled and popped and then was swallowed, forever encased in a pit of lava as red as my bleeding heart.
"Bwa ha ha!" The heartless monster behind me cackled. "Another victory for me!"
I turned on him with tear stained eyes. "Monster! Vile creature! Worm! Filth of human life!" I hissed.
"That's not very nice." He scorned me.
I was so moved by my emotions, in turmoil though they were, that without any thought of my own personal safety I hurled myself at him. My intentions were to gouge his eyes and toss him into his own pit of death, but he was too fast for me. With reflexes like a cat he side stepped me and tossed me into the lava. I had only seconds before the excruciating pain killed me to think: "I will join my lover now. Together forever, in death."
"What a freak." The abductor thought. "So much for love conquering all. Once again I win!"

*Evil laugh
*Zoom out
*Fade camera
I don't pretend to understand the workings of my inner mind, and neither should you.
This was written because I was bored and had just read the line 'Love conquers all'.
I do not agree with that message.
© 2010 - 2024 KauseNeffect
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DJChocolate-Lover's avatar
Oh gosh reading this from the D.I.D made me want to throw her in the lava myself